Applied Kinesiology
Kinesiology, also known as biomechanics, is the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology (AK), which is also known as muscle strength testing, is a method of diagnosis and treatment to examine how a person’s body is functioning. Specific muscle weaknesses can be an indication of the body’s imbalances and symptoms. By correcting the muscle’s weaknesses you can help your body function optimally.
When properly applied, the outcome of an AK diagnosis will determine the best form of therapy for the patient. Since AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies, it provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care.

Sports Medicine
Sports medicine can be used to treat the beginning athlete, high school athlete, or the weekend warrior. Active Chiropractic & Wellness will write out key aspects such as which exercises to do with the correct number of sets and repetitions to get you back to your optimal health and to strengthen weak and inhibited muscles that could be perpetuating your condition.

Athrostim Manipulator, Activator Method, and Percusor
These are all light force high-speed chiropractic adjustment techniques. The Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) uses the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations to seek joint dysfunction in the spinal column and extremities for improved patient care. AMCT uses the Activator Adjusting Instrument to give consistent low-force, high-speed chiropractic adjustments, making AMCT the most widely used low force adjusting technique worldwide.
An Arthrostim adjustment produces a speedy thrust and recoil motion, similar to the way a chiropractor uses their hands to adjust the vertebrae in your back. The benefit of the instrument is that it performs this high-velocity, low-amplitude motion 12 times per second, and is targeted to a very small area. The force of the thrust radiates through the joint and the tissues that surround it, releasing trigger points that are often the cause of muscle spasms.
As opposed to traditional chiropractic adjustment techniques, use of the Arthrostim does not cause the same popping and cracking noises in the joint that can make some people feel uneasy. It is a gentle, mechanical method of easing the joints back into alignment that is basically an extension of the chiropractor’s hands.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (Erchonia)
The Erchonia Cold Laser Therapy is an FDA approved modality which utilizes specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and has been proven to accelerate the healing process.
The laser is emitted from a handheld device, and painlessly penetrates the skin’s surface to reach damaged tissue and reduce inflammation and pain. It can be used for a variety of acute and chronic conditions to help reduce pain, swelling, and spasms and increase functionality.
LLLT is also effective in the treatment of skin ailments, such as acne and scars.

Nutritional Support
Nutritional support is available at Active Chiropractic & Wellness. Optimal nutritional health can support improved sleep habits, weight loss, lowering inflammation, improving immune systems and provide general support for overall health.
Support begins with a comprehensive survey to assess your body’s nutritional needs and evaluate your current diet.
To see what we may offer you, make an appointment today for a complete nutritional workup. It’s time to make optimal health your priority!